Bianca Röpke
Functional Medicine
Dear patients,
In my practice, treatments take place exclusively by appointment. This avoids waiting times and I have enough time for your concerns.
I look forward to meeting you!
Since March 1st 2024 you will find me at The Family Osteopath, Bergstrasse 27, 10115 Berlin.

What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a holistic alternative medical approach that looks at the whole person, not just symptoms. The method is based on the clinical experience, that many complaints and diseases are caused or influenced by a change in the function of body tissues, such as muscles, fascia, joints, organs, arteries etc.
The aim in Osteopathy is to detect these changes in function, using the sense of touch: with their fingers and hands, Osteopaths identify changes in blood flow, the mobility of joints, an increased tension of muscles, fascia, organs, and more.

An osteopathic appointment starts with a detailed conversation with the patient, in which the entire medical history is revisited. This is followed by an extensive examination.
Treatment also occurs with the hands, by changing the mobility of joints, organs, muscle tension, fascial movement etc. Some techniques are quite soft and supple, others involve local pressure or movement or even small so-called impulses.

Osteopathy for children
Children and babies present a special challenge for parents and therapists. Parents wonder what triggers the problems and often they are left alone with this. The answer to their questions often is: wait and see, things will work out. Although this may be correct in some cases, it can be worthwhile to check whether remedial action is possible.
For the therapist, the challenge is to diagnose and treat effectively despite the little one’s whims. This sometimes means that the floor or mother’s arm is preferred to the treatment bench, or parents read to their kids while diagnosis and treatment are undertaken.
How does an osteopathic treatment proceed?
In a detailed consultation, I will ask you about your symptoms. I am interested in when the complaints first appeared, how they have developed over time and whether there are any other accompanying symptoms.
Relevant for me are also accidents, operations, pre-existing conditions and what medications you take. Your professional and private situation also give me information about which stresses or patterns you and your body are exposed to.
After the anamnesis interview follows the examination. I examine both the posture and the mobility of your body. Also relevant for me are the tension of the muscles, the flexibility of the organs and the harmonious interaction of the individual body sections.
From all this information and knowledge, I derive the osteopathic diagnosis and treatment approach. Besides the osteopathic treatment, which is done with the hands, I can give you exercises and suggestions for your private and also professional everyday life. So that you can specifically address the possibly existing patterns that have led to your complaints.
Functional Medicine
In Functional Medicine, as in Osteopathy, the focus is on finding the causes of symptoms, disorders and diseases. Research over the last two decades has shown that inflammation can play an important role in the development and maintenance of disease. Inflammation is well measurable and in principle well known, at least as far as the local and general factors and reactions of the body to damaging stimuli are concerned.
However, the fact that so-called low-grade inflammations, i.e. inflammation values in areas that are described as insignificant in classical medicine, could probably be causative, triggering or maintaining complaints and diseases, is an important basis of Functional Medicine.
In the search for the triggers of low-grade inflammation, factors that are well known in alternative medicine to be determinants contributing to health come into play: exercise, sport, nutrition, stress factors, sleep and relationship factors. These all have been shown in recent years to be able to change the body’s immune response, causing widespread low grade inflammation.
In order to search for the originating and maintaining factors of patient complaints, the medical history is discussed in detail. Often enough, this already brings out indicators for changes in these areas, for example strong momentary or long-standing stress factors, repeated antibiotic therapy, a diet that is heavily based on pre-packaged or pre-cooked foods, no effective physical exercise, etc.

Further exams can also be used to indicate inadequate body functions: cortisol levels for stress, stool tests for digestive imbalances, blood and urine tests for hormones, detoxification and nutrient status.
Combined, these search methods usually provide a good picture of the patient’s health and illness.

Therapeutically, inhibition of inflammatory factors takes place.
This includes specific dietary changes, stimulation of better detoxification, support through the addition of vitamins, minerals and nutriceuticals, as well as advice on stress management and avoidance of overexposure to environmental toxins.
About me

Owner of The Family Osteopath practice since February 2024
Advanced training in pediatric osteopathy and functional medicine
Own practice in Berlin since 2020
Supervisor in the teaching clinic of the Osteopathie Schule Deutschland Berlin since 2019
Naturopath (Heilpraktiker) since 2017
2015 -2016 Support and accompaniment of the German National Team Men’s Field Lacrosse to the European Championship in Budapest
Lecturer at Dresden International University in cooperation with OSD Berlin since 2014
Osteopath graduated 2013 – 5 years training Osteopathie Schule Deutschland Berlin
Osteopath and Physical Therapist at DaVinci PhysioMed 2009 until 2020
B.Sc. Physical Therapy graduated 2007 – Alice Salomon University Berlin
Physical Therapist in different practices 2005 to 2009
Physical Therapist graduated 2004 – State examination at Charité Berlin
My offer
Osteopathy for babies and children
Treatment of professional and competitive athletes
Individual advice on nutrition and lifestyle
Fields of application
Acute and chronic joint and back pain
Headache, migraine
Cranio-mandibular dysfunction (temporomandibular joint disorders)
Coccyx complaints
Digestive disorders
Irritable stomach syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome
Menstrual-related symptoms, Endometriosis
Complaints during pregnancy
Sucking and swallowing disorders in babies
Preferential posture in babies
Important notice:
For legal reasons, I explicitly point out that all listed clinical pictures and diagnoses are of exemplary character and that this list by no means claims to be complete. This information is empirical in nature and is based on the decades of experience of many therapists. They do not contain any healing promises or guarantees for the relief of complaints or symptoms.
Cost of treatment
The diagnosis and treatment is done with the hands. I provide a detailed anamnesis and diagnosis of your body. Based on this, I select the appropriate treatment techniques for you.
The duration of a treatment depends on the symptoms and is about 45-50 minutes long. One session costs about 90 €. I charge according to the fee schedule for alternative practitioners (GebüH).
For understandable reasons, only payment by card is possible.
Anything can come up, but I only work with agreed appointments. Therefore, I ask for your understanding that all appointments not canceled at least 24 hours in advance will be charged with a cancellation fee. If the appointment can be rescheduled, this fee will of course be waived. The cancellation fee is 70 €.
Private health insurance companies reimburse the costs depending on the tariff you have chosen with your insurance company (Heilpraktikerleistungen).
Since 2013, the statutory health insurances reimburse the costs for osteopathy on a pro-rata basis. In individual cases, please ask your statutory health insurance for possible cost coverage. In any case, the appointment fees are paid by you personally first, whether they are reimbursed or not.
With my 5-year training in osteopathy and the licenses as a naturopath and physiotherapist, I fulfill the requirements of the statutory health insurance.
Memberships in Verband der Osteopathie Schule Deutschland / VOSD and in Bundesverband Osteopathie e.V. / BVO.
An overview of the health insurance companies and their requirements for reimbursement can be found here: